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3 Kid’s Art Activities and Lesson Ideas & FREE Printable Scavenger Hunt!

art activity ideas art lessons for kids free art lessons & printables Jul 25, 2022

Find 3 Kid’s Art Ideas for Lessons or activities for at home or in your classroom and read to the bottom to get a FREE Printable Art & Nature Scavenger Hunt which is perfect for encouraging observational drawing, student choice, and exploration of choice art mediums. Grab a note pad or planning binder and let’s dive into these ideas so you can incorporate more exploration and student choice into Art Educations!


Exploring the Element of Art: Value with Observational Drawings

Have kids grab “something to draw on” like a clip board and paper or a sketchbook, and “something to draw with” and head somewhere into the school or have them find a different spot in the room (like under a table)! Have them “zoom in” on different interesting textures they happen upon around the classroom or school, getting down and viewing them up close. Water bottles, basketballs, Lego, wooden blocks, books… then once they find something they like they can sit next to the thing with a choice art medium or graphite or charcoal and create an observational drawing that focuses on recreating the texture of the thing they’re observing. What a beautiful way to connect the brain and senses and hands!

Observational Drawings in your Classroom or Around the House

Have kids explore the home or classroom and find 5 things to draw… but HERE IS THE TWIST! Each thing needs to be drawn with a different art medium. This is perfect for any age, from primary to high school. The level of expectation should change with the ability of the individual students.

Mindful Meditation SEL Learning Art Activity.: Stream of Consciousness Brainstorm

Have kids find somewhere to sit (for 10 minutes or so depending on the age) with something to write on and something to write with, have them write and draw all the things they experience with ALL their senses… No talking, just mindful sitting, drawing or writing about the things we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. a beautiful way to get new ideas and focus on the moment… Exploring our mindful breathing… focusing on the moment… loving all the Social Emotional Learning this is engaging.. This is a highly recommended sketchbook assignment that will truly spark creativity and teach kids to engage observational skills and connect to their senses.


Have kids exploring observational drawing while experiencing choice of what to draw and mediums to use with this FREE Printable Art Scavenger Hunt! Click here to grab the Art Scavenger Hunt or hit the button below!

More Art Lessons for Kids:

Enjoy a FREE Family Art Night!

Enjoy a full, free family art night that you can enjoy at home with all family members! As well, enjoy weekly art ideas and inspiration! Join my newsletter and make art with your family tonight! 

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